Monday, January 2, 2017

Fine art

Mother with her child near Lordegan, Iran, 2000
Silver gelatine print
Image, 11.02x11.22
Mother and child

"In 2000 photographer Andrea Annessi Mecci travelled to Iran making compelling portraits of villagers and nomadic tribes across the country. He also recorded architectural treasures and sacred sites. The people portrayed appear as equally grounded as the monuments depicted -with roots extending beyond our imagination. In 2001, and before the irremediable scars of history had plagued our collective consciousness, a collection of these images was published as a book. In her preface for the book Raffaella Guidobono writes: "The sensation we can perceive is that the portrayed subjects have stopped their ordinary life to become witnesses of our time." Here Andrea holds a photograph of a Qasqa i nomad woman with her child, near Lordegãn, exquisitely printed by Simona Bugionovi of Fotogramma 24 in Rome. Thank you Andrea."
(Régina Monfort, Photo editor at FotoEvidence)